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European Education and Culture Executive Agency
  • News article
  • 16 February 2023
  • European Education and Culture Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

Submissions open for Virtual exchanges in higher education and youth (EVE) 2023 call for proposals

The Virtual exchanges 2023 Call for Proposals was opened for submission on 1 December 2022 on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (FTOP) – Deadline on 26 April 2023 at 17:00 (Brussels time).

Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges Funding Opportunities

Virtual Exchanges are online people-to-people activities that promote intercultural dialogue and soft skills development. They make it possible for every young person to access high-quality international and cross-cultural education (both formal and non-formal) without physical mobility. While virtual discussions or training do not fully replace the benefits of physical mobility, participants in virtual exchanges can still reap a number of the benefits of international educational experiences.

Virtual exchanges take place in small groups and are always moderated by a trained facilitator. They should be easily integrated into youth (non-formal education) projects or higher education courses. Virtual exchanges can draw participants from both sectors, even if, depending on specific projects, they could involve participants from either only one of them or from both. All projects under this call will involve organisations and participants coming from both EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme, and third countries not associated to the Programme in eligible regions (i.e. Western Balkans, Neighbourhood East, South-Mediterranean countries, Sub-Saharan Africa). You can find a list of eligible countries in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.

The overall budget and the budgetary envelopes were published on Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (FTOP).

For all the details of this action (including the type of participating organisations), please consult the dedicated EVE section in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, our leaflet (EN and FR) and our Erasmus+ website. In addition, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) will be available on Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (FTOP).

Finally, we have also prepared several resources to support you on your application:

  • Video with general information on the EVE call in English with subtitles in three languages (English, French and Spanish)
    • 16 FEBRUARY 2023
    PPT presentation with information on EVE 2023 


  • Are you looking for partners for your EVE project? – please consult our Partner Search Document
    • 16 FEBRUARY 2023
    How to find a coordinator or partner - EVE 2023


You can contact us with any question at EACEA-EPLUS-VIRTUAL-EXCHANGESatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-EPLUS-VIRTUAL-EXCHANGES[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)


Publication date
16 February 2023
European Education and Culture Executive Agency