The eTwinning community of schools reached 1 million registered users on 1 December 2021!
Since 2005, eTwinning has provided an online collaboration platform for school staff and educators working in schools in the countries involved. eTwinning participants from more than 226,000 schools have created more than 130,000 projects together.
eTwinners can communicate, collaborate, develop projects together and with their students, and be part of an exciting learning community in Europe.
Under the current COVID-19 circumstances, today more than ever, eTwinning continues to change with the times and respond to the school community's needs, always keeping the spotlight on school staff. Because eTwinners are our most important asset!
In 2022, the European Commission's School Education Gateway and eTwinning platforms will merge into the European School Education Platform.
Read more about this news here or visit the eTwinning website for the latest updates and upcoming opportunities.
- Publication date
- 2 December 2021
- Author
- European Education and Culture Executive Agency