Since 2017, the #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of sport organisations and stakeholders promoting inclusion through sport. These Awards target in particular actions concerning groups with fewer opportunities and in social difficulty, people with disabilities, migrants and refugees, ethnic minorities, etc. These awards also include a gender equality dimension.
The #BeInclusive EU Sport initiative gives the opportunity to highlight the significant contribution of sport to a Union of equity and values.
The #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards highlight exemplary initiatives in the field of sport and showcase the achievements of grassroots organisations in fostering inclusion by combining sport, participation, skills development and/or addressing children and youth.
The 2024 #BeIclusive Awards will feature the following three categories:
- #BeInclusive Breaking Barriers Sport Award
To reward sport projects that promote inclusion, dialogue, and tolerance, emphasizing the benefits of understanding each other and overcoming obstacles to participation. This category would reward initiatives that meet social challenges and support disadvantaged groups, such as ethnic minorities, people with disabilities or vulnerable young people.
- #BeInclusive Promoting Gender Equality in Sport Award
To reward projects promoting the empowerment and participation of women and girls in sport. This category would celebrate role models who make gender equality a reality by setting an inspiring example. This directly follows the Report of the High-Level Group on gender Equality in Sport[1].
- #BeInclusive Sport for Peace Award
To reward projects using sport as a vehicle to promote peace and European values. This category would particularly target initiatives promoting the inclusion of refugees, such as in the context of the war in Ukraine.
The winner and the finalists (ranked 2nd and 3rd) in each category will be awarded to inspire other organisations and individuals around Europe. They will all be announced and showcased at the award ceremony and will receive their prizes.
The call for proposals has been published on the European Commission's EU Funding & Tenders Portal.
[1]Recommendations and action plan from the High Level Group on Gender Equality in sport (2022)
- Publication date
- 18 June 2024
- Author
- European Education and Culture Executive Agency