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European Education and Culture Executive Agency
  • Info days

Online information session: Centres of Vocational Excellence 2023

Join this information session on 27 January 2023 to learn about the latest  policy context and application procedure for the Centres of Vocational Excellence 2023 call for proposals under Erasmus+ Key Action 2.

You can find the recording of the event here.

CENTRES OF VOCATIONAL EXCELLENCE 2023 - INFORMATION SESSION - Streaming Service of the European Commission (

You can find the presentations below.

Thank you for filling in the EU Satisfaction Survey.

In search for partners?

Attend the Community of Practice’s Match Making Session on 7 February, 3 PM CET. Register here  or consult the ‘The CoVE Community of Practice and matchmaking’ presentation below.


Use the partner search announcements section in the Funding & Tenders Opportunities Portal (FTOP)

Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) provide training in specific areas for the initial training of young people as well as for continued up-skilling and re-skilling of adults. However, CoVEs are also designed to achieve much more: to innovate teaching and learning methods, to work closely with businesses, social partners, universities etc., to develop inclusive approaches to ensure nobody is left behind, and to foster regional and local development, among other activities.

This Erasmus+ action aims to create innovative and responsive vocational education and training (VET) institutions capable of rapidly adapting skills provision to economic and social needs. It aims to create synergies between partners from all over the world in the creation of skills ecosystems. Moreover, this action will provide young people and adults with the skills for fulfilling careers in an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy.

The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), in cooperation with the European Commission, organised an online info session on CoVE 2023 on 27 January 2023 from 10:00 to 12:00 (Brussels time). 

If you wish to prepare a CoVE project proposal under the Erasmus+ programme and you have questions, or if you just want to make sure that you are aware of all the latest news, check out the materials available in this page!

To find all the information on this action please consult the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, available in all official languages of the EU.

You can also consult our Cove 2023 factsheet for an overall snapshot of this call for proposals.

How to apply and further information

You can find the call for proposals for Centres of Vocational Excellence on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal. The deadline for submission of applications is 8 June 2023 (17:00 - Brussels time).

To get you started please refer to the EACEA guide: how to get a grant and Webinar session: The Funding & tenders Portal for beginners.

The Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal also has a useful online manual  (business guide) and IT How To section (IT guide) to help you with the technical aspects of submitting a proposal online.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) will be regularly published in the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal.

  • education grant
  • Friday 27 January 2023, 10:00 - 12:00 (CET)

Practical information

Friday 27 January 2023, 10:00 - 12:00 (CET)
