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European Education and Culture Executive Agency
  • Exhibitions

Brussels’ Foire du livre (Book Fair)

Dive into the heart of the Brussels Book Fair ‘Foire du livre 2024’ and CREATIVE EUROPE programme by participating in various literary interactions taking place at Place de l'Europe.

Highlights include the presentation of the EU Prize for Literature and discussions on topics such as literary translation, foreign literature publishing, careers in the book industry, and the promotion of reading.

In 2024, the European Union is the guest of honour at the Brussels Book Fair, coinciding with Belgium's presidency of the EU. Several European partners, including EU institutions, will converge at Place de l'Europe, at the heart of the Fair, in the Gare Maritime.

Place de l'Europe serves as a space to celebrate the richness of the EU's cultural and literary diversity, hosting panel discussion, readings, and exhibitions.

The Culture sector team will manage the Creative Europe booth at the Book Fair and will moderate four panel discussions in Place de l'Europe. The team welcomes anyone who is interested in the topic and in the funded projects.


Thursday, 4 April from 15:10 to 16:00

A panel discussion on the commitment and profession of literary translation with Louise de Brisson, literary translator (Éditions Bleu & Jaune), Piet Joosten, project manager and literary translator, Yelena Schmitz, author (PASSAPORTA - CELA Project and CELA#2), and Jörn Cambreleng, project manager and literary translator (ATLAS-CITL- ARCHIPELAGOS Project). Moderation by Letizia Trunfio (Creative Europe programme).

Friday, 5 April from 15:10 to 16:00

A panel discussion on careers in the book industry and the promotion of reading with Julie Belgrado, director, European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF - RISE Project), Anne-Lise Schmitt, general delegate, Association of Independent Booksellers (AILF - The Europe of Independent Bookstores Project), and Gautier Chaumel, project manager, Digital Books (ABELAB Project - Accessible Backlist Ebooks Laboratory). Moderation by Tara Lennart, author and literary consultant (Bookalicious), and Corinne Rigaud (Creative Europe programme).


Friday, 5 April from 16:10 to 17:00 and from 17:10 to 18:00

Two panel discussions will take place on the translation and publishing of Foreign Literature with Tara Lennart, representing Éditions Agullo, Tatiana Sirotchouk, Éditions Bleu & Jaune, Anne Leblond, Éditions Rageot, Katharina Loix van Hooff, Éditions Les Argonautes, and Laure Leroy, Éditions Zulma. Moderation by Iulia Badea Guéritée, journalist, translator, communication manager at the Maison de L’Europe, in Paris, Tara Lennart, author and literary consultant (Bookalicious), and Corinne Rigaud (Creative Europe programme).


Take a look at the full programme

Register for the event

  • literature | arts | culture
  • Thursday 4 April 2024, 15:10 - Friday 5 April 2024, 18:00 (CEST)

Practical information

Thursday 4 April 2024, 15:10 - Friday 5 April 2024, 18:00 (CEST)
