- Years
- 2022
- Categories
- Culture
- Pilot Project / Preparatory Action
- Pilot Project (PP)
Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions are managed outside the e-Grants system.
The reporting templates (Word and Excel format) have to be downloaded from this beneficiary space, completed on your personal device and must be sent as attachments by e-mail to the following address:
EACEA-CULTURE-CONTRACTUALec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-CULTURE-CONTRACTUAL[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Subject: (your project number) 1011xxxxx- Call Identifier-Final Report (or pre-financing report)
The deadline for submitting your final report is two months after the end of your eligibility period.
Additional pre-financing report (technical report)
If your Grant Agreement indicates a second pre-financing in accordance with the schedule and modalities set out in the Data Sheet Point 4.2, you must provide an additional pre-financing report to request the payment (see also Articles 21and 22 of your Grant agreement).
- 8 MAY 2023
- 8 MAY 2023
Periodic report (final technical and financial report)
- Periodic report
The periodic report template is conceived for interim and final reports, please complete the corresponding option where applicable.
- 8 MAY 2023
- 8 MAY 2023
- Financial report - Individual financial statement per participant
- 8 MAY 2023
- 8 MAY 2023
- Financial report - Summary financial statement - Request for payment
- 8 MAY 2023
- 8 MAY 2023
- Declaration on Honour
- 8 MAY 2023
- 8 MAY 2023
- Certificate on financial statement
A Certificate on Financial Statements must be added for grants >= 325.000 EUR.
- 8 MAY 2023
- 8 MAY 2023
Project results
Please annex the deliverables/outputs of your project to the e-mail with your final report in PDF format, pictures and/or videos.
The financial statements must be drafted in euro.
- Beneficiaries with general accounts in euro must convert costs incurred in another currency into euro according to their usual accounting practices.
- Beneficiaries with general accounts established in a currency other than the euro must convert the costs recorded in their accounts into euro, at the average of the daily exchange rates published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union, calculated over the corresponding reporting period.
Electronic qualified signature
The report must be signed by the Legal Representative. Please make use of the electronic qualified signature when signing the documents before submission. Reports not signed with the qualified signature must be signed in blue ink and sent by registered post with proof of delivery. The qualified electronic signature will enable you to handle the documents in a paperless manner.
If you have any questions, please contact your Project Officer at the Agency.
Dissemination and visual identity
For the logo and disclaimer, check out the EU visibility rules that apply to your project (see Art. 17 of the Grant Agreement).