- Years
- 2018
- EACEA Erasmus Plus Actions 2014-2020
- Key Action 3: Support to policy reform
- Social inclusion through education, training and youth
Beneficiaries space
Project management
- Practical Information on Contractual Project Management
- Budget Reporting Tool
- Amendment Request Form
- Model Time sheet
Please note: The Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal is the platform where the Legal Entity Appointed Representative - LEAR of each beneficiary registers any changes related to their legal entity. The accuracy of these changes and any supporting documents are checked and validated by the Research Executive Agency (REA). Once REA has validated these changes, they notify the beneficiary that this information is up to date in the database of the Commission.
It is not required to send an amendment request to the Agency for these modifications. However, it is recommended to inform the Agency by email of the specific changes introduced via the Participant Portal for a better follow-up (EACEA-Policy-Supportec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-Policy-Support[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)).
Beneficiaries are required to submit a mid-term report and a final report as specified in the grant agreement. The reports must be filled in and submitted online through the e-Reporting section of the Funding & tender opportunities portal.
Instructions on how to access, complete and submit your e-Report are available from the eReport Submission User Guide. We strongly advise you to read the Guide first, before you start!
Please note that the following templates are compulsory and may not be modified. Once filled-in you have to attach them to your eReport in the Funding and Tender Opportunities portal to be able to validate & submit your report.
These are the compulsory attachments:
- Request for second pre-financing - Progress report
In order to receive a further pre-financing payment, please download and complete the following mandatory documents:
- Final payment - Final report
Final reports have to be submitted through the eReport (electronic reporting tool) at the latest 60 calendar days after the end of the last reporting period.
- Final Report Template
- Financial Reporting Tool
- Signed Audit certificate (Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report – type I) as indicated in your grant agreement under Article I.4.4.c.
The mandatory templates for the Audit certificate are in included in the Agency’s Guidance Note
Guidance for Type I Audit Certificates (“Certificate of Financial Statements” – CFS) for grant agreements/decisions (GA/GD) where their art. I.4 sets the obligation to provide one CFS per beneficiary (by default as from 2019, but to be verified in the GA/GD)
- Final Report Template
Project Results Platform
For ensuring transparency and visibility of EU funding, all projects are online on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
According to the Article I.12 – Dissemination and exploitation of results - you must upload all project results together with project website and logo. To connect to the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform you should use your EU Login account.
Please keep in mind that if you wish to submit your results for review and publication, you will be able to do so only when the end date of your project has been reached. In the meantime, you can upload and modify your results, but they will become publicly available only after the validation of your final eReport.
Technical issues/questions
EACEA Helpdesk: EACEA-HELPDESKec [dot] europa [dot] eu
By phone: +32 229 90705
08:30 to 17:30 - Monday to Thursday
08:30 to 17:00 - Fridays (Brussels time)
Excluding Public & European Commission holidays.
Questions on Content Social Inclusion Team
EACEA-POLICY-SUPPORTec [dot] europa [dot] eu
You can also call your project officer.
E+ Project Results Platform
You must upload your project results/deliverables onto the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
For technical issues concerning E+ Project Results Platform: EAC-ProjectsPlatform-HelpDeskec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EAC-ProjectsPlatform-HelpDesk[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Visual Identity
Please consult the visual identity webpage of the Agency, the use of the E+ logos and disclaimers are obligatory.