- Years
- 2020
- EACEA Erasmus Plus Actions 2014-2020
- Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
- Sector Skills alliances
Beneficiaries space
Project Management
- Amendment request template (Updated on 22/12/2020)
- Template timesheet
- Guidelines for partnership agreements
- Budget table for an amendment
Sector Skills Alliances Final report:
- 20 DECEMBER 2021
Final report with guidance - EAC/A02/2019
- 20 DECEMBER 2021
Final financial statement template - EAC/A02/2019
- 20 DECEMBER 2021
Declaration of Honour - EAC/A02/2019
Sector Skills Alliances Progress report:
- Progress report template with guidance
- Progress/Final financial statement template
- Declaration of Honour
- Declaration of Honour for Technical progress Report
- 20 DECEMBER 2021
Progress Report (for Lot 3 projects only and only AFTER the second year of implementation) - EAC/A02/2019
- 20 DECEMBER 2021
Technical Progress Report ((for Lot 3 only and only AFTER the first and the third year of implementation) - EAC/A02/2019
Progress report
Beneficiaries must have a valid EU Login (European Commission Authentification Service) account.