- Years
- 2020
- EACEA Erasmus Plus Actions 2014-2020
- Key Action 3: Support to policy reform
- European Youth Together
Beneficiaries space
Project Management
All you need to know for managing your project is in your grant agreement (special and general conditions, annexes I to VII), in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2020 and in the European Youth Together- Call EACEA/10/2020 call for proposals.
Supporting information in line with the grant agreement is also provided in the following resources:
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Contractual Documents
Formal amendments to your grant agreement are always subject to written requests, which must be dated and signed by your legal representative.
Please use the official templates provided below and contact the Executive Agency by email at %C2%B5EACEA-YOUTHec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-YOUTH[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) if you need to make any of the following changes to your grant agreement. For other changes contact your project officer.
Amendment letter
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Supporting documents:
- Partnership: Detailed description of the new participating organisation and Mandate letter
- Budget breakdown
Important: All amendments must be formally endorsed by the EACEA. You need to formally request your amendment one month before the project end date at the very latest by e-mail (scanned amendment request letter signed by the legal representative) at EACEA-YOUTHec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-YOUTH[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).
What can you change and how?
- Legal address or name of the organisation
The change should be introduced directly by you in the Funding and tender opportunities portal by uploading a new Legal Entity form together with official document(s) proving the change/new data.
Please also send a letter signed by the legal representative confirming the changes. This should be sent by e-mail (scan) to EACEA, once the change has been accepted by the Funding and tender opportunities portal Validation Service.
- Legal representative
Please send an official letter signed by the legal representative with all contact details of the new legal representative together with an official document confirming the legal capacity of the new legal representative.
- Contact person
Please send EACEA an official letter signed by the legal representative with all contact details of the new contact person.
- Eligibility period
Please use the appropriate section in the amendment request form to request a change to the eligibility period. Please note that the eligibility period of your project can never exceed 24 months.
- Bank account
Any change to your bank account for purposes of managing your grant should be introduced directly by you in the Funding and tender opportunities portal. By uploading the financial identification form (FIF) duly completed and signed by the account holder and a recent document (less than 6 months) issued by the bank indicating the name of the bank, the name of the account, and the account number/IBAN (if applicable). If such a document is not available, a bank stamp (indicating the name of the bank) and the signature of a representative of the bank on the financial identification form may also be accepted.
You should also inform EACEA of the change to your bank account by email at EACEA-YOUTHec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-YOUTH[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).
- Partner
If you need to make a change to the partnership of your project, the following information/documents need to be attached to the amendment request form:
- a withdrawal letter from the withdrawing organisation explaining the reasons of withdrawal signed by the legal representative.
- a description of the new organisation including a Participant Identification Code (PIC) number.
- mandate from the new partner.
- date on which the termination shall take effect.
- an email/declaration duly signed by the coordinator and the new partner organisation stating that:
- the substance of the project does not change
- the quality of the project and the expected results/outputs will remain unchanged
- the replacing partner will take over everything that was foreseen by the initial partner (in the budget and work programme); if not, please provide a new budget table and distribution between partners as relevant and a brief account of the associated payment arrangements (unless already mentioned in the amendment request).
You are required to provide the new partner’s Participant Identifiction Code (PIC) as encoded in the Funding and tender opportunities portal (Participant Portal) and support your partner in the PIC validation process if needed. Please note that the PIC code must be valid before any change can take effect.
- Budget
An amendment request relating to an adjustment to the budget breakdown is only necessary when the transfer between budget headings exceeds 10% of the amount of the heading of eligible direct costs for which the transfer is intended.
Progress Report
If applicable – see Article 1.4.1 of your Grant Agreement.
Your request for a second grant instalment of 40% must be accompanied by a progress report. This is to be sent to the Agency by email only to EACEA-YOUTHec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-YOUTH[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) together with your interim financial table and Declaration on Honour (signed and stamped). Please mark your email clearly with your grant agreement number (6xxxxx).
Important: please ensure that you have spent at least 70% of your first grant instalment before requesting a further payment with a progress report.
Here are all the templates you need for your Progress Report:
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Final eReport
All beneficiaries are required to submit a final report no later than two months after the end of the eligibility period specified in your grant agreement. This is an eReport, available via the Funding and tender opportunities portal.
Please consult the eReport user guide before preparing your eReport.
You should also submit a financial table and Declaration on Honour (signed and stamped) by email to EACEA-YOUTHec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-YOUTH[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu). Please mark your email clearly with your grant agreement number (6xxxxx) and the EYT action.
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Type I - Audit certificate - for grants below EUR 750,000.
Important: Exchange rates
The method for exchange rates applicable to your grant is laid down in Article I.4.6 ‘Currency for requests for payment and financial statements and conversion into euro’ of your grant agreement.
Beneficiaries with general accounts in a currency other than the euro must convert costs incurred in another currency into euros at the average of the daily exchange rates published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union, determined over the corresponding reporting period (available at Euro foreign exchange reference rates (europa.eu))
If no daily euro exchange rate is published in the Official Journal of the European Union for the currency in question, conversion must be made at the average of the monthly accounting rates established by the Commission and published on its website (Exchange rate (InforEuro) | European Commission (europa.eu)), determined over the corresponding reporting period.
Beneficiaries with general accounts in euros must convert costs incurred in another currency into euros in accordance with their usual accounting practices.
Project Results Platform
To ensure transparency and visibility of EU funding, all projects are presented online on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
According to the Article I.12 ‘Dissemination and exploitation of results’, you must upload all project results together with your project website and logo. To connect to the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform you should use your EU Login account.
Please keep in mind that if you wish to submit your results for review and publication, you will be able to do so only at the end of your project. In the meantime, you can upload and modify your results, which will become publicly available only after the validation of your e-final report.
Dissemination and Visual Identity
The EU emblem should be used on all products and visible activities to acknowledge the financial support of the EU. For practical guidance, please consult the Annex II – Dissemination and Exploitation of Results of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2020 (starting page 318)
Further guidance on the Visual identity webpage of EACEA with the logo and disclaimer.
Be visible. Share your results on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.