- Years
- 2017
- EACEA Erasmus Plus Actions 2014-2020
- Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degrees
Beneficiaries space
Project Management
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD)
- EN Annex IX: 2017 – Minimum requirements for the Health and Accident Insurance coverage of EMJMD students
- EN Annex X: 2017 – Minimum requirements and recommendations for Student Selection & Scholarship Management
Project handbook: Guidelines for the use of the grant
- EN Project Handbook (Uploaded 20/10/2017)
- EN Financial info kit
- The consortium must inform all candidates about the collection and processing of personal data by the Agency, quoting the following sentence in their website, notification letters and student agreements: The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), in the context of managing the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees, collects and processes the personal data of some of the candidates. In particular, certain data of the scholarship holders (students and scholars), non-scholarship holders and reserve list candidates is shared with the Agency through the EACEA Mobility Tool and treated according to the following privacy statement.
Programme Guide and Legal base
Place of residence
The General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union (GSC) has published the PRADO website (Public Register of Authentic Travel and Identity Documents Online) with information on a list of documents that could serve as proof of legal residency of a person. EMJMD consortia are invited to consult the documents relating to a student candidate as appropriate, in order to be able to enter the right place of residence in the EACEA Mobility Tool (EMT).
Distance Calculator
For residence/travel band distances please use the distance calculator available here.
eReport: Final Report
The deadline for the submission of the Final Report is indicated in art. I.4.1 of your Grant Agreement.
You will need to log in into the Funding & tenders opportunities portal ('Portal') to fill in and submit your Final Report.
Read the User Guide on how to complete and submit a Project Report using eReports.
Please consult the Explanatory Note about the different tabs of the eReport.
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Annexes to the eReport
You must attach the following annexes to the Final Report:
1. Beneficiary Declaration
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The beneficiary declaration must be signed by the legal representative of the coordinating institution. This signature confirms that a process of consultation and approval has been carried out within the consortium. If the signatory is not the legal representative indicated to the Agency, an authorisation to sign on his/her behalf must also be attached.
2. Printouts of student and scholar data (signed by the project contact person) extracted from the EACEA Mobility Tool (see User Manual for instructions)
3. Activity reports of scholars and guest lecturers
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4. Minutes of the Student Selection Committee (signed by all members, all intakes)
5. Diploma(s) and Diploma Supplement template(s)
6. Student Agreement (template)
7. Consortium Agreement (signed copy)
8. Financial Statement with signature of legal Representative
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Your contract includes an obligation to disseminate deliverables through the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
To help you with this task, we have designed a simple form that you should complete before submitting your final report, turn into PDF and upload onto the platform.
- 20 OCTOBER 2021
The above form is a minimal and sufficient requirement. If you want to add supplementary deliverables, please note that in light of the current data protection regulations, results that contain names, photos of persons or contact details may not be published.
Detailed guidelines are available inside the beneficiary dashboard of the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform and FAQ are available. In case of access problems or other technical issues, please EAC-PROJECTSPLATFORM-HELPDESKec [dot] europa [dot] eu (contact the helpdesk).
Visual Identity
Any communication or publication related to the project, made by the beneficiaries jointly or individually, including at the EMJMD consortium website, conferences, seminars or in any information or promotional materials (such as brochures, leaflets, posters, presentations, etc.), must indicate that the project has received European Union funding and must display the European Union emblem (see example).
When displayed in association with another logo, the European Union emblem must have appropriate prominence. Read more about visual identity, use of the logo and disclaimer.