- Years
- 2016
- EACEA Creative Europe Actions 2014-2020
- Access to markets
Beneficiaries space
The Final Report must be submitted as an eReport from the Participant Portal.
We strongly recommend you to read carefully the user guide "how to complete and submit a project report using eReports". EN
In order to submit a report, the first thing that you need to do is to access the Participant Portal : http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html
It is also recommended to save frequently the information indicated, even if there is an automatic backup.
The following information cannot be changed:
- General
- Contractual Data
The following parts must be filled in:
- Self-assessment of the Action
- Final Activity Report
- Budget
- Attachments
We also remind you that the attachment of the following documents is mandatory to submit the eReport:
- declaration on honour and payment request. This document must be registered with a "PDF" extension. Please note that this document is also includes a specific user guide explaining how to complete the e-report for the Access to Markets scheme. EN
- lists of participants, works supported and promotion/PR activities (annex to the 'Summary' section of the e-report)
- Signed Budget EN
- Audit certificate/report of factual findings
Guidance Note / report of factual Findings:
- For grants below EUR 750.000:
Guidance notes – Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report – Type I EN / EN
The attachment of the following documents (pdf files only) is optional:
- Proof of co-financing (if any)
- Promotion material (if any)
For more information, please contact:
• The MEDIA - Access to Markets functional mailbox
EACEA-MEDIA-MARKETSec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-MEDIA-MARKETS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
• Ms Elena Boggio
Tel: +32 2 295 02 24
• Ms Géraldine Haÿez
Tel: +32 2 298 52 97