Creative Europe is the European Commission's programme to support the culture and audiovisual sectors by providing funding for cultural and creative organisations, cinemas and films.
EACEA manages key parts of the Creative Europe programme on behalf of the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture and the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology.

You can find more information about Creative Europe on the the Creative Europe website.

You can find open and upcoming funding opportunities for Creative Europe on the European Commission’s Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (F&TP).
Which parts of Creative Europe does EACEA manage?
At EACEA we manage parts of the following three strands of the Creative Europe programme:
Cross-cutting activities spanning the audiovisual, cultural and creative sectors, including the Creative Europe Desks, the Creative Innovation Lab and support to the news media sector.
Platforms and useful links
- Creative Europe project results platform
- Creative Europe Desks – list of Creative Europe contact points in different countries.
- Creative Europe MEDIA Database – database of European films supported by the Creative Europe MEDIA programme.
- CulturEU Funding Guide - Interactive guide to the EU funding opportunities for the Cultural and Creative Sectors for 2021-2027
- Audiovisual and News Media Funding Guide - Interactive guide to the EU funding opportunities for the Audiovisual and News Media sectors for 2021-2027
- Communication guidelines for project beneficiaries - A step-by-step guide on communicating projects and their results
Legal basis
Creative Europe legal basis – the legal basis underpinning the Creative Europe programme.