- Years
- 2020
- EACEA Creative Europe Actions 2014-2020
- Access to markets
- Distribution
- Distribution - automatic support
- Distribution - support to sales agents
Selection results
Action 1: Distribution Automatic Support
- 7 JULY 2021
- 7 JULY 2021
- 7 JULY 2021
Action 2: Sales Agents Automatic Support
- 7 JULY 2021
- 7 JULY 2021
- 7 JULY 2021
Beneficiaries space
Project Management Film qualification Films must comply with the requirements as set out in the call guidelines in section 6.2 Eligible activities. The film qualification is exclusively carried out for beneficiaries of the distribution and Sales Agents automatic Supports, as part of the project management of their support. Beneficiaries must check the status of the films they want to report in the Creative Europe MEDIA Database (europa.eu) The ‘Status’, which appears next to the each entry, indicates the current stage of the film qualification process. Possible status updates:
To submit a new film, please follow the procedure indicated in the "Media DB - Guide for beneficiaries" below and attach the film financing plan signed and dated by the lead producer of the film:
MEDIA DB – Guide for beneficiaries – creating film qualification request - EACEA/22/2019 Applicants can also use the following film financing plan template for their convenience:
Film Financing Plan Films will only be qualified once the Agency has received all the necessary information. Any question related to the qualification of a film must be addressed to EACEA-MEDIA-DB
Reporting When submitting your reports, please always refer to the reporting guide for your action. This includes all the information you need to complete your report.
Reporting Guide – Action 1 (distributors) - EACEA/22/2019
Reporting Guide - Action 2 (sales agents) - EACEA/22/2019 We also strongly recommend that you read the e-reports user guide Depending on the terms of Article I.4 of your grant agreement, you may need to submit either a progress report (second pre-financing request) or an interim report. Progress report (if applicable) The progress report must be submitted as an e-report from the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal in the Single Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA) at the latest 60 days after the end of the first reporting period. The following documents must be submitted with the progress report:
Second pre-financing payment request (for Action 1 (distributors)) - EACEA/22/2019
Second pre-financing payment request (for Action 2 (sales agents)) - EACEA/22/2019
Progress activity report (for Action 1 (distributors)) - EACEA/22/2019
Progress activity report (for Action 2 (sales agents)) - EACEA/22/2019 Interim report (if applicable) The following documents must be submitted with the interim e-report:
Interim payment request (for Action 1 (distributors)) - EACEA/22/2019
Interim technical activity report (for Action 1 (distributors)) - EACEA/22/2019
Type I audit certificate (in case of grants of more than €60,000 and less than €750,000) - EACEA/22/2019
Type II audit certificate (in case of grants equal to or more than €750,000) - EACEA/22/2019 Final report The final report must be submitted as an e-report from the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal in the Single Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA) at the latest 60 days after the end of the implementation period of the action. The following documents must be submitted with the final e-report:
Final payment request (for Action 1 (distributors)) - EACEA/22/2019
Final payment request (for Action 2 (sales agents)) - EACEA/22/2019
Final activity report (for Action 1 (distributors)) - EACEA/22/2019
Final activity report (for Action 2 (sales agents)) - EACEA/22/2019
Type I audit certificate (in case of grants of more than €60,000 and less than €750,000) - EACEA/22/2019
Type II audit certificate (in case of grants equal to or more than €750,000) - EACEA/22/2019
For Action 1 (distributors) - EACEA/22/2019
For Action 2 (sales agents) - EACEA/22/2019 For more information, please contact: EACEA-DISTRIBUTION-AUTOMATIC EACEA-DISTRIBUTION-SALESAGENTS
Dissemination On the Creative Europe Project Results Platform, the description of your project containing final results is published online at the following address In order to have accurate information on your project we recommend that you further enrich this project space with additional information (website, logo, project results, awards) after the submission of your final report. You can upload information in the Beneficiary's dashboard, to which you can connect using your EU Login account and then submit for review.
Visual identity and logos The beneficiary shall indicate in any communication or publication about the action, including its website, that the action has received funding from the European Union. Such acknowledgment shall be worded as follows: "with the support of the Creative Europe Programme - MEDIA" and be accompanied by the Creative Europe - MEDIA logo and the European flag. The logo can be downloaded from this page Please be aware that additional requirements apply to the Distribution and Sales Agents