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European Education and Culture Executive Agency

Erasmus Mundus and Intra Africa Academic Mobility programme - Students complaints form

As Erasmus Mundus or Intra-Africa scholarship holder/applicant you may raise a complaint either before, during or after your study period. However, before submitting an e-complaint, we advise you to search for a dialogue with your project's representatives and/or to follow the institution's appeal procedure.

Before submitting a complaint, you should read:

25 JANUARY 2021
Guidelines for students' complaints

This complaint form is only valid for the Erasmus Mundus and Intra-Africa Academic Mobility programmes.

Please provide in the free text box “Message” the following information (copy/paste the template questions below with your answers). Without the necessary information, your request cannot be processed.


  1. Have you already contacted the coordinator or body concerned, for example by email, about your complaint? Yes/No
  2. Have you ever contacted the Agency before? Yes/No. If yes, please mention the date of the last contact (and reference number of the previous complaint if applicable).
  3. Nationality
  4. Are you an applicant or scholarship holder or self-funded student?
  5. Title of the study programme (Erasmus Mundus)/title of the project (Intra-Africa) you applied to/you are attending
  6. Your complaint