Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.
EACEA manages parts of the Erasmus+ programme on behalf of the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.

You can find more information about Erasmus+ on the Erasmus+ programme website.

You can find open and upcoming funding opportunities for Erasmus+ on the European Commission’s Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (F&TP).
Which parts of the Erasmus+ does EACEA manage?
At EACEA we manage parts of the following Erasmus+ programme actions:
- Cooperation Partnerships
- Small-scale Partnerships
- European Universities
- Centres for Vocational Excellence
- Erasmus+ Teacher Academies
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters
- Erasmus Mundus Design Measures
- Alliances for Innovation
- Forward-looking Projects
- Capacity Building in Higher Education
- Capacity Building in the field of Vocational Education and Training
- Capacity Building in the field of Sport
- Capacity Building projects in the field of youth
- Not-for-profit European sport events
- European Youth Together
- Policy Experimentations
- Jean Monnet Action in the field of Higher Education
- Jean Monnet Modules
- Jean Monnet Chairs
- Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence
- Jean Monnet Action in the field of Education and Training
- Jean Monnet Teacher Training
- Jean Monnet Networks
- Learning EU Initiatives in other fields of Education and Training
- Jean Monnet Policy Debate
- Support to Designated Organisations
- See also: Jean Monnet database
Platforms and useful links
- Erasmus+ National Agencies
- National Erasmus+ Offices outside of the EU
- EACEA Inclusion and Diversity Action Plan
- Erasmus+ programme guide 2024 - list of opportunities supported by the Erasmus+ programme
- Erasmus+ programme guide – an overview of the different actions making up the Erasmus+ programme for the 2021-2027 period
- Erasmus+ project results platform
- Jean Monnet Activities - database
- YouthWiki - Europe's encyclopaedia of national youth policies
- Eurydice - comparative studies and information on national education policies
- Mobility Scoreboard - indicators on higher education and vocational education and training
- Epale - the electronic platform for adult learning in Europe
- Online Language Support - tool for learning languages online
- School Education Gateway - Europe's online platform for school education
- eTwinning - the online community for schools in Europe
- Support and Promotion for Higher Education Reform Experts - platform for modernising higher education in countries neighbouring the EU
- EACEA Mobility Tool
- Communication guidelines for project beneficiaries - A step-by-step guide on communicating projects and their results
Legal Basis
Erasmus+ legal basis – the legal basis underpinning the Erasmus+ programme.
Amendment of the Erasmus+ 2023 annual work programme - version 3