- Years
- 2018
- EACEA Erasmus Plus Actions 2014-2020
- Key Action 3: Support to policy reform
- Civil Society Cooperation: Youth
Beneficiaries space
Project Management
Programme Guide and Legal Base:
Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Education and Training and Youth (EACEA/26/2017)
Civil Society Cooperation Youth webinar 2018
Contractual documents
Please contact the Executive Agency by email at EACEA-YOUTHec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-YOUTH[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) if you need to make any of the following changes to your grant agreement:
- Change of legal representative (this is the person who signed the grant agreement)
- Change of contact person (this is the person named in your application as responsible for managing the grant)
- Change of bank account
- Change of the name or (legal or mailing) address of your organisation
Please note that amendments to your grant agreement are always subject to written requests which must be dated and signed by your legal representative. These amendments must be formally endorsed by the Executive Agency. Important: EACEA must be informed of all changes before the submission of your final report. Failure to do so will mean rejection of your report.
How to request an amendment
- Legal address or name of the organisation
1.The change should first be introduced by the LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative) in the Participant Portal by uploading a new Legal Entity form together with official document(s) proving the change/new data;
2. Official letter signed by the legal representative confirming the changes should then be sent by e-mail (scan) to EACEA, once the change has been accepted by the Participant Portal Validation Service.
- Legal representative
Official letter signed by the legal representative with all contact details of the new legal representative together with an official document confirming the legal capacity of the new legal representative should be sent by e-mail (scan) to EACEA.
- Contact person
Official letter signed by the legal representative with all contact details of the new contact person
- Bank account
1. Official letter signed by the legal representative requesting the change together with a duly completed Financial Identification form should be sent by e-mail (scan) to EACEA
2. The LEAR should upload and update information in the Participants Portal
The deadline for submitting your final report is 28 February 2019
In order to allow the Executive Agency to calculate your final grant amount, please complete and submit your e-Report as follows:
The eReport is available via the Participant Portal. You should also submit the following annexes with your eReport (by email to EACEA-YOUTHec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-YOUTH[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) if the attachments exceed the allowed size. You must identify your email in the subject line as follows:
"Additional attachments to CSC-Youth Report n° 2018-..."):
- Grant calculator
- Declaration on honour
- Supporting documents - these are mandatory and are required in order to prove eligibility of unit costs:
3.1. Staff costs (for each individual for whom costs are claimed and only for the period for which costs are eligible, i.e. the 2018 calendar year in most cases):
- payslips
- employment contracts
- proof of salary payment (e.g. bank transfers)
Please attach a single file containing all supporting documents for staff costs. Zip files are allowed.
Please organise the documents per person, ex.: Adam Smith: contract, pay slips, proofs of payment
3.2. Statutory meetings (for each statutory meeting for which costs are claimed):
- Attendance lists signed by the participants
- Meeting agendas
- Minutes
- Invitation letter(s) or equivalent
Please attach a single file containing all supporting documents for statutory meetings. Zip files are allowed.
Please organise the documents per meeting, ex.: Meeting 1 of xx/xx/2018: invitations, minutes, attendance list.
Dissemination and Visual Identity
The EU logo should be used on all products and visible activities to acknowledge the financial support of the EU.
Further guidance is available on the Visual identity webpage of EACEA with the logo and disclaimer.