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European Education and Culture Executive Agency

Capacity Building in the Field of Youth 2018

Erasmus+ - EAC/A05/2017

  • 2018
EACEA Erasmus Plus Actions 2014-2020
  • Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
  • Capacity building in the field of youth

Call for proposals

Selection results

Beneficiaries space

Project Management 

Programme Guide 2018

Project Handbook 2018

Guidance of eligibility expenses 2018 

Frequently Asked Questions (PDF FAQ for beneficiaries 2018)

Capacity Building activities

List of participants_cby_activities_2018

Mobility activities

List of participants YE_MYW_2018


Detail of mobility activities 2018

Volunteering Activities

Volunteer training cycle registration form (WORD Volunteering_training_cycle_registration_form)

List of Volunteering participants 2018

Erasmus+ Volunteering Info Kit - Youthpass - Insurance


Contractual Documents

 Amendment request form (WORD Amendment_request_form)

Bank account

Partnership:  Detailed description of the new participating organisation (WORD Description New Partner organisation KA2 CBY) and Mandate letter (WORD Mandate_letter_model)

Budget 2018 (XLS CBY Budget 2018)

For major changes please fill in the amendment request form and send it with the necessary supporting documents, if applicable, to EACEA-YOUTHatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-YOUTH[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).
For minor changes contact your project officer.



Reporting documents and templates

Instructions for Operational & Financial Reporting

Interim/Mid-term report

Request for further pre-financing

Mid_term financial statement_cby_2018

In electronic version to the following email address: EACEA-YOUTHatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-YOUTH[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Please be so kind to send a single file that contains the whole final report together with a separate Excel sheet for the budgetary annex.


Final report

The deadline for submitting your final report is 2 months after the end of your eligibility period.

In order to receive your final payment, please fill and submit your e-Final Report with the application E-Reports.


e-Final Report User Guide

The e-Final Report of your project is available via the Participant Portal.

With the e-Final Report you will have to attach the following annexes:

  •  Final Financial Statement (mandatory) Updated 19/03/2021
  • 19 MARCH 2021
Final Financial Statement - EAC/A05/2017

To open the document "Final Financial Statement", please right-click on the link above and select "save target as" or "save link as" to download the document

  • Certificate on the financial statements and underlying accounts  

certificate on the financial statements and underlying accounts (Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report - Type I or II) is compulsory when the total sum of a + b is higher than €60,000:

a)    Capacity Building:  direct costs (max 80% of total) and total of indirect costs
b)    Mobility activities: total sum of Special Needs Support and total sum of Exceptional costs

Guidance notes: Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report

We kindly inform you that for ensuring transparency and visibility of EU funding, all projects are online on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, results of the project should be uploaded to the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, login with your ECAS account.

To enrich your project space/webpage with additional information (website, logo, project results) you can start uploading them in the Beneficiary's dashboard, to which you can connect using your EULogin account.

Please keep in mind that if you wish to submit your results for review and publication, you will be able to do so only when the end date of your project has been reached. In the meantime, you can upload and modify your results, but they will become publicly available only after the validation of your e-final report.  

Contact: EAC-ProjectsPlatform-HelpDeskatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EAC-ProjectsPlatform-HelpDesk[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) 


Dissemination and Visual Identity

The EU logo should be used on all products and visible activities to acknowledge the financial support of the EU.

Further guidance is available on the Visual identity webpage of EACEA with the logo and disclaimer.

Youthpass (available for Mobility activities)

Be visible. Share your results on the Erasmus+ Results Platform