- Years
- 2017
- EACEA Erasmus Plus Actions 2014-2020
- Capacity building in the field of youth
Beneficiaries space
The announcement of the Erasmus+ programme Call for proposals 2017 (EAC/A03/2016) in all official languages of the EU was published in Official Journal No C386/14 on 20/10/2016.
Corrigendum with regard to the paragraph KA2 Capacity Building in the field of Youth, Eastern Partnership Youth Window, Civil Society Fellowships for Youth of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2017, (page 171).
This corrigendum concerns the countries hosting mobility activities of the "Fellows".
"Inclusive and participatory projects will strengthen the capacity of youth organisations and youth workers to build constructive relations with a variety of partners, including public bodies and civil society organisations. Selected young leaders – the "Fellows" – coming from the applicant organisations, will enhance their skills and competences in the field of policy development, through mobility activities and working in hosting organisations in the Programme Countries. Activities have to involve transnational non-formal learning mobility activities, like, for example, mentorship schemes and job shadowing. As part of the project implementation, young leaders will also carry out small youth policy engagement projects upon return to their sending organisation."
Applicant Guidelines EN (Updated 19/12/2016)
FAQs EN (uploaded 06/12/2016)
In the following link you will find the info sessions related to Eastern Partnership Window and Tunisia Window 2017
To access the info session related to Western Balkan Window, please use the following link.
How to apply
Organisations wishing to apply for Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Capacity Building in the field of youth are invited to submit applications on-line to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels.
Applications must be received by 12.00 p.m (mid-day Brussels time) on 8 March 2017.
After this time the on-line application system will be closed.
If, after referring to the eform User Guide you still have a question or have encountered a technical problem in relation to the e-Form, please contact the HelpDesk services.
Helpdesk e-mail address: eacea-helpdeskec [dot] europa [dot] eu (eacea-helpdesk[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
HelpDesk phone: +32 2 299 0705
- Annex 1: Detailed description of the project (Updated 02/02/2017) EN / FR / DE
- Annex 2: Budget (EN Uploaded 06/12/2016, FR & DE uploaded 09/01/2017) EN / FR/ DE
To open the document "budget table", please right click on the box containing "en" and select "save target as" or "save link as" to download the document
- Annex 3: Declaration on honour (EN version uploaded 06/12/2016, FR & DE uploaded 09/01/2017) EN / FR / DE
Declaration on honour low value (EN version uploaded 06/12/2016, FR & DE uploaded 09/01/2017) EN / FR / DE