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European Education and Culture Executive Agency

Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2016

Erasmus+ - EAC/A04/2015

  • 2016
EACEA Erasmus Plus Actions 2014-2020
  • Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
  • Capacity Building in the field of higher education

Call for proposals

Selection results

Beneficiaries space

Project Management

Project management tools and documents

Projects (Joint Projects and Structural Projects)

  1. Guidelines for the Use of the Grant EN  (Updated 13/01/2017)
  2. Guidelines for the Capacity Building Partnership Agreement EN
  3. Note on Staff Costs CBHE EN  (Uploaded 24/03/2017)

Special Mobility Strand (SMS) Component

  1. Guidelines for the Use of the Grant EN  (uploaded 12/04/2017)
  2. Inter-Institutional Agreement EN (uploaded 12/04/2017)
  3. Grant Agreement for students mobility under SMS EN (uploaded 12/04/2017)

 i. Learning Agreement for studies (Annex) EN  (uploaded 12/04/2017)

- Guidelines on how to use the Learning Agreement for Studies EN (uploaded 12/04/2017)

 ii. Learning Agreement for traineeships (Annex) EN (uploaded 12/04/2017)

- Guidelines on how to use the Learning Agreement for traineeships EN (uploaded 12/04/2017)

      4. Grant Agreement for staff mobility under SMS EN (uploaded 12/04/2017)

i.  Mobility Agreement for teaching (Annex) EN (uploaded 12/04/2017)

ii. Mobility Agreement for training (Annex) EN  (uploaded 12/04/2017)

      5. Participant EU survey: available through the EACEA Mobility Tool (uploaded 12/04/2017)

      6. Erasmus+ Student Charter EN (uploaded 12/04/2017)


Contractual documents

1. Grant Agreement (projects without SMS) EN
    i. Annexes EN

2. Grant Agreement (projects with SMS) EN
    i. Annexes EN



Reporting documents and templates

Instructions for Operational & Financial Reporting

The use of the forms and templates below is mandatory.

Reporting forms

1. Financial Statements (including 'Statement of the costs incurred and Request for Payment' and 'Final Financial Statement') EN (Uploaded 10/02/2017)  

This xls file should be downloaded once at the beginning of the project and be used all along the project lifecycle for both the on-going monitoring of the use of the grant by the partnership and for reporting to the Agency at mid-term and after the end of the project.

2. Technical Implementation Report

The Technical Implementation Report has to be filled in and submitted via the eReports system, which is an online tool available on the Participant Portal.
The eReports User Guide EN will provide you with detailed instructions on how to complete and submit a Project Report using eReports.
The CBHE e-Reports Explanatory Note EN  will provide you with content related information and guiding questions on the different tabs of the eReport.
Before completing and submitting the eReport, read carefully Chapter 2.1 and 2.2 of the CBHE Guidelines for the use of the Grant.

Annexes to be attached electronically to the Technical eReport:

a)    Financial Statements (see point 1 above) in ".xls" format
b)    Declaration of honour EN
c)    Table of achieved / planned results EN
d)    Dissemination plan (if available)
e)    Quality assurance plan (if available)
f)    Report on the 'Special Mobility Strand': EN this document is applicable and compulsory only for projects including a Special Mobility Strand component.
g)    in case you wish to request the second pre-financing: a duly signed pdf version of the "Statement of the costs incurred and request for 2nd prefinancing": this document corresponds to the spreadsheet "Cost incurred & 2nd pre-financing"  included in the "Financial Statements" (see point 1 of the reporting forms above). Detailed instructions are included in the CBHE e-Reports Explanatory Note.

3. Final report on implementation of the action

The Final Report has to be filled in and submitted via the eReports system, which is an online tool available on the Participant Portal.
The eReports User Guide EN  will provide you with detailed instructions on how to complete and submit a Project Report using eReports.

The CBHE Final Report Explanatory Note  EN will provide you with content related information and guiding questions on the different tabs of the Final Report (eReport).

Before completing and submitting the Final Report (eReport), read carefully Chapter 2.1 and 2.2 of the CBHE Guidelines for the use of the Grant.

Annexes to be attached to the Final Report:

  1. Financial Statements (see point 1 above) in ".xls" format
  2. Declaration of honour EN
  3. Table of achieved results EN
  4. Report on the 'Special Mobility Strand' EN is applicable and compulsory only for projects including a Special Mobility Strand component.
  5. A duly signed pdf version of the "Final financial statement": this document corresponds to the spreadsheet "Final financial statement" in the Financial Statements xls file (see point 1 of the reporting forms above).
  6. Audit Certificate (Please see point 4 below)
  7. Reporting table for unit costs - Covid-19

4. (Audit) Certificate on the financial statements and underlying accounts (Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report – Type II)  EN (Uploaded 16/05/2017)

5. In order to facilitate the submission of the final reports, an informing web session (“CBHE Final Reports – good practices”) was organised by the Agency on 3 October 2019. Please find here the link to the recording as well as the  ppt. presentation that was shown during the session.

Other documents

1.    CBHE Joint Declaration EN (Updated 27/03/2017) This document replaces the "Staff Convention" and has to be used for the formal registration of staff working for the project.
2.    Individual Travel Report  EN (Uploaded 12/12/2016)
3.    Time-Sheet  EN  (Updated 15/01/2019)

To open the documents "Time-Sheet" and “Financial Statements”, please right click on the words "en" and select "save target as" or "save link as" to download the document. When saving the file on your hard disk, please choose the file extension .xlsm to activate the macros necessary to add/delete rows in the file.


Dissemination and Visual Identity 
