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European Education and Culture Executive Agency

Support to literary translation projects 2017

Creative Europe - EACEA 15/2017

  • 2017
EACEA Creative Europe Actions 2014-2020
  • Culture
  • Literary translation

Call for proposals

Selection results

Beneficiaries space

Project Management

This section concerns projects funded in 2017 only.

For projects funded in any other year, please refer to the relevant 'Beneficiary space' for that year.


1. Amendments

As beneficiary of the Creative Europe Programme, it is important that you remain in contact with the Agency during the implementation of your project. This is particularly important if a change in the project occurs and your contract needs to be modified.

Changes in your project (Amendments)

Some changes require a formal amendment and an authorisation from the Agency. These are:

  • Changes to the eligibility dates
  • Changes to the budget (Transfer among the 4 budget chapters >10%)
  • Change of signatory of the Agreement (i.e. change of legal representative of your organisation)
  • Change of bank account
  • Change of translator

An amendment can only be made in writing. Oral requests for modifications cannot bind the parties legally. Changes that were not communicated to the Agency and approved (in writing) will not be accepted.

Requests must reach the Agency before the change occurs and at the very latest one month before the end of the eligibility period.

For more information on how to submit an amendment please consult this Guide to Amendments EN

Templates to request an amendment:

Changes of legal your representative and the organisation’s bank account can be requested via a simple e-mail. For all the other changes, you’ll need to use the templates below:

  • Template to modify your budget  EN
  • Template to change the translators and dates of eligibility  EN

Please send amendment requests (mentioning your Agreement no) to EACEA-CREATIVE-EUROPE-CULTURE-AMENDMENTSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-CREATIVE-EUROPE-CULTURE-AMENDMENTS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

2. Visual identity and logo

Beneficiaries of the Creative Europe programme are obliged to display in all books, communication and promotional material the EU flag, logo and an acknowledgement that the project has been supported by the European Union. To download the latest version of the logo and the acknowledgement please consult our visual identity.

In addition, the following disclaimer shall be added to the inner pages of the publications and studies written by external independent bodies with support from the European Commission:

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."



In order to receive your final payment, please send your final reports at the latest 2 months after the end of the eligibility period of your project:

  • Final Technical Report EN
  • Final Financial Statements EN

For grants above €60,000: certificate on the financial statements and underlying accounts (Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report - Type I or II). Please refer to Annex VI of your grant agreement. The Audit Certificate on Final Financial Report can be found here

Please send the requested documents and annexes (duly dated and signed by the authorised person mentioned in the grant agreement) via e-mail to: EACEA-CULTURE-CONTRACTUALatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-CULTURE-CONTRACTUAL[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)