- Years
- 2019
- EACEA Creative Europe Actions 2014-2020
- Cross-sectoral
- Bridging culture and audiovisual content through digital
Beneficiaries space
Project management
Please find below the reporting templates. All documents must be sent by email to the following functional mailbox: EACEA-MEDIA-BRIDGINGec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-MEDIA-BRIDGING[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
1. Final report
The following templates must be used for the submission of the final report:
- Engagement Letter of the Guidance notes – Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report – Type I
The engagement letter is composed by the following 4 documents (from page 19 of the Guidance Note):
1. Cover letter (see mandatory text p19);
2. Annex 1 – Information about the Grant Agreement/Decision (p22);
3. Annex 2 – Specific procedures to be performed (p23-p30);
4. Annex 3 – Compulsory report Format and procedures to be performed (p31-p33)
2. Request for second pre-financing payment
The following templates must be used to request the second pre-financing payment (please check if applicable in Articles I.4 and I.5 of your Grant Agreement):
3. Request for interim payment
The following templates must be used for the submission of the interim report (please check if applicable in Articles I.4 and I.5 of your Grant Agreement):
- Engagement Letter of the Guidance notes – Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report – Type I
The engagement letter is composed by the following 4 documents (from page 19 of the Guidance Note):
1. Cover letter (see mandatory text p19);
2. Annex 1 – Information about the Grant Agreement/Decision (p22);
3. Annex 2 – Specific procedures to be performed (p23-p30);
4. Annex 3 – Compulsory report Format and procedures to be performed (p31-p33)
In order to ensure transparency and visibility of the EU funding, your project will be published on the Creative Europe Results Platform for public consultation.
In order to promote your project and the Creative Europe Programme you are invited to update and upload project information and deliverables in the platform (links, trailers, posters, brochures, reports, guides, etc). This information can be used for promoting your project (for instance successful projects are flagged in the system and promoted at various events hosted by the European Commission).
You can upload information in the Beneficiary's dashboard, using your EU Login account.
At final report stage, you will be requested to provide a summary of the activities implemented with the EU support, presenting the project, the results and the impact. Final payment will be subject to having submitted relevant information. The summary will be available on the project results platform after the validation of the final report.
If you lost your password or if you have any technical questions related to the platform, please contact EAC-PROJECTSPLATFORM-HELPDESKec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EAC-PROJECTSPLATFORM-HELPDESK[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).
Visual Identity and logos
The beneficiary shall indicate in any communication or publication about the action, including its website, that the action has received funding from the European Union. Such acknowledgment shall be worded as follows: "with the support of the Creative Europe MEDIA programme of the European Union" and be accompanied by the Creative Europe - MEDIA logo and the European flag.
The logo can be downloaded from this page.